Sunday, October 19, 2008

Penguin race

With my recent obsession (again) of penguins, a long forgotten memory just popped up in my mind.

That penguin slide toy thing! Which I had when I was 3 years old or something.


With no idea what it was called (come on, I was three!), I google imaged "penguin slide toy for 3 year olds" and Wooh! There it was.. the "Penguin Race"


I loved that toy! I have no idea who created it, and why?! How could he/she come up with such an idea? All you do with that toy is just watch penguins go round and round the slide, go back up the steps, and down the slide again.

You can see how it works here

Absolutely fascinating. I could watch it over and over again!

In my "Penguin race" search, I came across this image which I think really resembles the toy itself =p


Then there's this hip hop penguin I came across. Wooh! It jumps like it's high! And towards the end of the video, it's a really funny bit of an EXTREMELY lazy polar bear!

And even a Coca-Cola ad involving penguins and polar bears. Cute~!

*sighs* Penguins are adorable.

To end this entry, here's my fav pics of a super gaya super cute penguin baby walking.. =P


Friday, October 17, 2008

After Awhile

by Veronica A. Shoffstall

After a while you learn
The subtle difference between
Holding a hand and chaining a soul
And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning
And company doesn't always mean security.


And you begin to learn
That kisses aren't contracts
And presents aren't promises
And you begin to accept your defeats
With your head up and your eyes ahead
With the grace of a woman
Not the grief of a child


And you learn
To build all your roads on today
Because tomorrow's ground is
Too uncertain for plans
And futures have a way
Of falling down in mid flight


After a while you learn
That even sunshine burns if you get too much
So you plant your own garden
And decorate your own soul
Instead of waiting
For someone to bring you flowers


And you learn
That you really can endure
That you are really strong
And you really do have worth
And you learn and you learn
With every good bye you learn.


Monday, October 13, 2008

6 breasted woman

When I was in London,

I saw with my little eye... a 6 breasted woman!


Don't stare too much, guys =P

Saturday, October 11, 2008

How do you hold a bird?

Hold it too tightly, it dies


Hold it too loosely, it flies away


Instead of keep holding on, some do something to keep it coming back for more...


...while hoping that they wont merely be used


How can you just get it to stay in your hand and adoringly love you?


Well, one thing's for sure... It's not sex.


Thursday, October 09, 2008

New Frank Sinatra video

Come fly with me

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Happy Birthday Nico Tham!

Monday: 29 September

This is for forgetting your birthday when it finally came.. and went.

Yeah, what a terrible friend I am =.=' Unbelievable.

Especially when I've been looking forward to it all year. Thinking I would do something nice for you on your birthday.

Like treating you to a nice meal...

Go spend a day out (though you being the socialite you are, you were probably fully booked a week before and after your birthday)

Or AT LEAST wish you Happy Birthday!

And it's not like I don't know or forgot your birthday. Every time I dial your number I remember your birthday. I guess I just didnt realise September ended so fast. I still think it's mid September now though it's already mid October =S

Oh well, I'll just compensate by um.. cleaning up your room and keeping your water jug full and giving you warm water right at the temperature u like whenever I can =P

Here's a Happy Belated Birthday to you!