Saturday, July 12, 2008

SSS: Worship team

I miss those days...

...being part of the Senior Sunday School (aka youth fellowship) worship team. The peak of our service was in camps. That's when God touches the hearts of youth strongest, hence, we in the worship team better not screw up.

I think this is the earliest camp I played at, Day Camp 2003. Don't be fooled by the name. It was 3 days and 2 nights long.


Haha.. OK, I know I look funny. Yes, the only girl there can only be me. N YES! The person in white IS a girl!

Below is the worship team in action. See if u can find me.


Through being the youngest in the worship team back then, I had all these "ko ko"-s and "jie-jie"-s (not in pic) to guide me and encourage me.

The next camp (Day Camp 2004), ALL the previous worship team members had already graduated and left. Hence, leaving me alone. The worship team consisted of ONE pianist =.=' Not having enough time to train up enough new worship team members in time for the next camp, I imported some from Metro Tabernacle (Joachim, John and Victor)


For the year end SSS Camp 2004, I had Bryan Yong, my piano student whom I'm most proud of up till now; and Jason Kok who's a guitar freak who improved a LOT over a short time. Both had a passion for it, worked hard, and had parents who really supported them.


From that little newbie worship team above, it grew to be an experienced and large worship team (as shown below) by the time Camp 2005 came along.


Below, is the group of us that played at One Rock concert at The Mines in 2006 as Passion Youth, founded by Jason.


We're a newbie group that never took off. But what does that matter? We're here to worship God. Fame and success is nothing.

Through my years in the SSS worship team, my role changed from being that little newbie to the "jie jie". It was a very stressful for me as I was (asst) worship coordinator all those years. But being part of it was a God filled high.

Looking back, I have no idea how I did it... and I don't know if I'll be so committed again.

I lost out on many other things by being in the worship team. Constantly being at worship practices every free time we had at camps, I lost out on building closer relationships with Sunday Schoolers who weren't in the worship team or student committee. This is my only regret.

Other than that, being in the worship team gave me good Christian friends and helped me grow as a person and a better pianist.

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