Thursday, March 17, 2005

SSS: Back to the good old games

Having been in the Senior Sunday School (SSS) committee for 3 years, one would know VERY well, that it is very difficult to organise games that everyone would enjoy. What with some SSSers thinking they're too cool to play 'such stupid n pointless' games that they wouldnt be caught playing cos it would spoil their image. Bah! As if being such a spoil sport would make their image better.

It is indeed very discouraging to plan games for the SSS cos everyone just dont seem to enjoy them. From silly n funny fun games to treasure hunts.. it's craziness how people just dont stop criticizing the games, saying 'It's so stupid', 'What's the point?', 'It's too difficult', 'It's too easy', 'So childish!', 'Too much running', 'You expect us to do THAT?!', 'It's so unhygenic!', 'Aiyah, dowan la.. so malu la..' and it just goes on n on n on..

They always demand for games, but when we plan games, they complain then dont wanna play it. When we lose our patience and ask them to plan it instead, they say "Alarr.. dun so like that la.. lazy la wanna plan, you do la". I'm like, "I do lah?! Ya la! That's what I'm doing wat? U all oni dowanna play!"

Too SSSers, you see the frustration we games coordinators face? We've tried so hard to find or plan a game that everyone would enjoy. We try so hard to make all of u realise how much fun you all can have if only you all would just allow yourself to let loose and allow yourself to have fun. Dont care about how silly you may look when you play the game. Everyone else around you are playing the game too. If they say u look silly playing the game, tell them they look silly too cos they too are playing the game.

Anyway, after 3 years trying to find a game that everyone would enjoy, i've finally found it! Last Sunday (13/3), of all days to discover IT! And who would've thought that this game, is THE game. An old favourite childhood game, totally childish and pointless, silly and crazy! THE game that we SSS game coordinators have been searching for.. IS... none other than CATCHING! Police and theif, Ice and water/fire.. watever it is. Just any form of the game catching.

It was such a big surprise to me. Seeing all the SSSers including me, running all over the Youth Centre, laughing and screaming. What a sight it must've been to outsiders seeing a big bunch of teenagers playing catching! It was a great delight seeing all the SSSers letting loose. FINALLY!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha..ive gotta agree with this..nice post!!