Friday, December 28, 2007


"Christmas is about Santa"... That's what commercialism has done.

Everyone knows Santa doesn't exist (even as a child I knew Santa doesn't exist.. it just didnt make sense y'know?). Yet they all celebrate Santa-ism every Christmas.

Every year, Christmas comes, all the Christmas decorations come out, and so does Santa without fail. Isn't this lie getting too boring already?

All those shopping mall Santas are REALLY lame! Children all know those Santas are fake. They even scheme on pulling Santa's beard if given the opportunity to get close to him. It also doesnt help that the costumes suck!

Even more sickening are those Santa shows/movies on TV. OMG! Christmas is doomed if Santa's son doesn't take over his father's role? Come on! And as if that isn't stupid enough, there's PLENTY of those movies made with VERY MINOR variations. How many times can one watch variations of a storyline that's not only cliche but stupid also?

Then there's that part where little children gotta be good or you wont get any present from Santa? Blah! U wont get presents from Santa whether u're good or bad anyway.

There's also this joke where ppl try to make a serious Christmas movie about the origins of Christmas. Bleh! It turns out to be some fictitious story about how Santa Claus came about.

Dont be the stupid one to celebrate Santa-ism. Not only is it unbelievable, it IS untrue.

I'm not gonna give u readers some holy-moly preaching. Just saying, plain out, what Christmas really is... Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. To put it super briefly, that's the guy Christians believe to be the Saviour of our souls.

So, Christmas is pretty much a person's birthday. A pretty great birthday too from a Christian and non-Christian's point of view. We're just lucky we get lots of parties to enjoy ourselves at, loads of great food, beautiful decorations at shopping malls to take pictures at, superb sales and great bargains everywhere, and WE get presents instead of the birthday boy.

U love Christmas? Thank Jesus. Not Santa.

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