Monday, April 18, 2005

My SSS testimony

i was first elected into the SSS Committee as asst. worship+ music coordinator when i was 14. The enxt year, i was promoted to W+M Coordinator and the next, by God's grace, President. Today my term as President ends and I am both sad and glad about it.

I am sad because I will no longer be leading the committee to run the SSS. But i am glad that it is time for me to pass on my duties to another and b a SSSer. Free to hang around and serve God in a different way.

Being in the committee and President has developed my leadersip skills and exposed me to the frustrations and challenges a SSS President faces. Each challenge taught me a new lesson and I great stronger by eah challenge that came my way.

Two of the most important lessons I learnt was to always trust in God. Keep my eyes on Him, and remember that He's always there for me even when it seems like He isnt there. To be open to God and let Him touch my life. And to let him help me, and not keep my problem for myself to solve, thinking that God cant help me. (that was one of the stupidest things i ever thought)

The 2nd is to remember that we are serving God. Not ourselves, not our friends, or the teachers or pastors. It's all about God.

Seeing the SSS grow and improve has been very encouraging and i hope that we will all grow in faith and in numbers.

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