Thursday, August 31, 2006

Tales of Fionaroomville

All was peaceful In Fionaroomville..

One night, when all were sleeping..



At the Fionaroomville council meeting that night...
"Something has to be done about this.. " says Fionaroomville mayor, Kiren, "We must catch this horror!"
"Let's bait it!"
"Abigail! U're the cutest! You be it!"

The cute and brave Abigail sat alone in the dark, keeping an eye out for the Horror of Fionaroomville.

Watch out Abigail! Behind you!

Too late. The Horror has caught her! One villager down. 7 more to go.

Fear was rising among the villagers of Fionaroomville. They moved in groups, watchful for the Horror.

The help of the village genius was sought after.

He worked day and night trying to track down the movements of the Horror and how to destroy her.

One night as LimCY was working alone, he heard a sound from nearby. He shone his torchlight around to check out his surroundings and spotted the Horror! She was out to get at him!

Luckily, villager Szu-Mei who happen pop in to check on LimCY that moment and managed to chase away the Horror before he got to him.

As tension grew in Fionaroomville, two of the villagers tried to flee..

Swim for your life!

"You stupid stupid girl.. What made you think swimming on the floor would get us anywhere?"

"Who are YOU calling stupid?!"

"Take that!"
"No YOU take that!"

The council gathered again for another meeting.
"Fellow villagers.. Things are getting out of hand in our village. We have to get this Horror! We shall use ALL our resources for this one last attack. It's do or die."
"ALL our resources?"
"Yes, ALL, my dear villager... I regret to say, we have to use HER.. "

"... Our village screamer."

"Get your earplugs ready... Attack!"
"Shut up Ming! You dont have to scream!"

"That scream! Ugh! It's... killing me...! Cant... focus.. Cant.. take it.." says the Horror.

Yeah! We got her!

"Fuh! I'm exhausted! I think I'm gonna get a sorethroat.." says Ming.

Thanks to the screams of Ming! Cheers fill Fionaroomville.

Yeah! All is well again in Fionaroomville.

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