August 4th '07
Today was AMAZINGGGGG!!! Gan Fiona, Moahan, Reuben, LimCY & I climbed up Bukit Tabur!!! The bukit that every Melawatian is talking about (sort of...)... Cant believe it took me so long to discover that place. Anyway, we met at my house supposedly at 7am. We were late as usual, so we only started climbing at almost 8am after getting some food on the way there.
This pic below here was taken at the first 'pit stop'. Man! That was TORTURE!!! I didnt realise how totally unfit i was till i went through that first part of the journey! I so wanted to turn round and go back. But i figured i may as well finish it since i was there (I wanted my bragging rights =P). Also, i didnt think the rest of the journey would b long (i was so totally wrong =.=')
Oh, u c my VERY forced smile? It was only for the camera.
Up here, is me, Gan n Moahan. Time: 8.05am (according to Gan)
View from up where we were. I had no idea there was like some big lake up in the mountains! N i lived in Melawati all my life!
One monkey right on top. One gila monkey lower down.
Gan.. makan makan makan aje.. Ah, u c how high we were? Higher than the other hills/mountains!
Gan fascinated with the rocks. She says: "I've never been so close to rocks before... Especially when panjating on them... I was literally kissing the rocks. Well... Either that or have a nice time falling lah! X)"
Gan posing
Ants. Gan's friends. We kill it, she'll kill us.. so she says.
Sadly, there wasn't any clouds. TTT.TTT
A big rock... Umm... Yeah... XD. Thx for snapping, Reuben.
We found our ex Primary & Secondary school from up there...
All group pics are self-timed photos with Gan's camera helplessly balancing on the rocks... Fuh! We look like we're at the edge! Well, yeah, actually we were. But it didnt seem as dangerous up there as in the pic
Legs & Shoes... The legless shoe is Lim's. Haha!
Moahan's and Gan's legs. They were REALLY hanging off a cliff!
One push and dooooowwnnnnnn they go. It was a CLIFF! and a LONG way down!
This is the part i almost fell off =.=' High, steep, sharp and dangerous! i got a bruise measuing 7cm x 4 n half cm from that.
Halfway to the top...
Nice view.. spoilt my Gan's shoes =P
Gan relaxing while LimCY suffered.
After jalaning for awhile... We found cempedaks!
Two lonely durians...
It was an interesting experience. I've got my bragging rights! YEAH!!! I've been up n down Bukit Tabur!!! But as to whether i wanna go again.. Uh.. let me think awhile ahh.. it was torture man.. Mayb one day when im more fit n less accident prone =P
1 comment:
how come there's ju jin in the pictures? im confused. lol..u know him from unim, no?hhahaa
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