Saturday, July 19, 2008

It came, went, and will never come again.

That's time.

That's moments in life.

It's that time in kindergarten.
When sitting on that HUGE (relative to our size) slide was the bravest thing anyone could've done.

It's those times at home back then.
When I fight furiously with my brother, or play wildly with him.

It's that time in primary school.
After UPSR, when class rivalry was high and we had all those sports tournaments in my disgusting school field that stank so bad, but we didnt care when we were playing.

It's that time in secondary school.
Every form was a different world. Each with special experiences of its own. This and that teenage love crisis. Those seemingly big dramas that in retrospect, are so trivial. Beating guys at "conquer" aka "titik" and stabbing their ego at the same time. Jumping up and down and picking cherries off the school cherry tree. Reading story books under the table during class. Copying homework that I forgot to do. Climbing through the hole in the school fence to cut school.

It's the SSS Camps and YLDPs
When we did all nighters, learnt strange songs, played fun games, met funnier people, and experienced God filled highs.

It's Jeremiah School.
The time I had Gerviene as my roommate. Chit Shen to terrorise in sessions. Friends to deceive in Mafia. Hearing Gervie, Erreekka and Charleen screaming for 30 mins every morning to wake us up in Kuantan. Clowning around with them. To literally LMAO, LOL, and ROFL. Oh the things we did. The most memorable of them all, we dont tell in public.

It's the time in MCKL.
Joining the rush hour crowd every morning to get to class every morning. Seeing blind people walking around. Staying back for hours after classes to play bball. Walking to Bayu's for meals. Talking fun stuff with our lecturers. Talking with En Ning. Teasing Kheng Li. Smiling at Hsing. Listening to Kelvinder. Keeping up with Hannah. Forcing Choong Zeen to talk. Wondering how Ian can entertain ppl with lame jokes, rain or shine. Camwhoring with Sara. Playing the fool at OB Nite. Doing things I never thought I would. And of course, lots of boy-girl drama.

It's staying in my flat in Nottingham Malaysia.
Chasing lizards for 2 hours at night. Ignoring my lizard fearing flatmate when a lizard fell in my rice cooker. Sitting at the balcony with Divya and just talking at 2-4am. Doing all nighters to complete assignments. Shouting across the balcony to terrorize Nico. Pouring cold water over the divider on my flatmates when they're bathing. Giving Ankita what I thought to be a dead big green bug in a box (i guess it proved to be not dead when it flew out to her face when she opened it).

It's hanging out in Nico's flat.
When my entrance caused a bunch of cool macho guys (or so they think they are) to go wailing in unison in a girly high pitch voice "Oh my Godddd!!!". Playing Cho tai ti with Nico, Vincent, Gary, Danny, Azri, Julian, and Zul. Stressing during exam time. Seeing Vincent permanently on his stomach on his bed, and just seeing him sitting upright a grand total of 2 times the whole semester. Constantly hearing Caleb's "whateverahhh!" day n night. Going for meals and late night supper with them.

It came, went, and will never come again.

It makes everything seem more precious...

Knowing that no matter how we try to bring back that moment in time... Even if we manage to put all the same people at the same place... We can never again live what we once lived through.

Home. Kindergarten. Primary School. Secondary School. JS. MCKL. Nottingham. There were good and bad times. But at the end of the day, it's all good =)

We can just let it be a nice little memory to reminisce on in the future.

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