Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Youth is beautiful

Every now and then, we go to our friends' houses and we see old framed family photos around. Ever so often, we'll see our friends' mother's picture and say, "Wahh... Aunty, you were so beautiful when you were younger!" (this doesnt mean they're ugly now)

It happens so often that it makes me wonder... Is every girl (or should i say, young woman?) beautiful?

Being in that "young woman" age group now (early twenties), I guess me and my peers can't see the beauty in all our peers. In our little world, there are the "hot chicks"... and the "pretty girls"... and the regular girls... and some unfortunate few that make the guys go "What?! Her?! Ugh!"

Since I am yet to come across an ugly picture of an aunty in her youth, I guess it brings me to the conclusion that all young women are beautiful.

So that means, even those "ugly" girl friends we have now are beautiful. We just don't know how to appreciate their beauty now.

Young women, don't waste your youth with an inferiority complex. You are beautiful.

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